A Dog for Luck

Dogs and pets in general make us happier. And better. This is an axiom, even because, finding happiness in the muzzle of a new four-legged family member, we give him care and love. This means that we are launching a chain of happiness uniting people and animals and having no end. This is especially valuable when we take a pet from a shelter. The one homeless, unwanted, suffering from the cruelty of "people" who can be called so only by putting this word in quotation marks. The one staying in a shelter, where he is loved, fed and treated, and yet every dreaming of becoming a domestic animal - infinitely loved and the only one.
In order to increase the number of happy people and dogs, a charity flash mob #DogForLuck (PesNaSchastie) has been created. As of the New Year's Eve, it had been held for the fourth time and brought together people from various spheres of life. Businessmen and actors, journalists and designers, scientists and artists are looking for people who would take pets from Moscow shelters, including the Domashny shelter. They post photos with dogs on their social networks and thereby urge all kind people to take a dog. For good luck.
Over the past year, 2022, 31 dogs out of 45 ones participating in the campaign found their people. Thirty one! This year, the flash mob was joined by actresses Glafira Tarkhanova
and Yanina Sokolovskaya,
Dmitry Borisov, a TV journalist, host of the program “Let them talk”, and Radislav Gandapas, one of the best speakers of the country,
Alexander Arutyunov, a fashion designer
Alexander Ratnikov, an actor
Alexey Kogay, a restaurant chef, Polina Askeri, an artist, Ksenia Chilingarova, a blogger and founder of the My Artic Explorer brand, Masha Yankovskaya, an artist
Andrey Shelkov, a resident of COMEDY CLUB (STAS USB)
and many others.
Of course, Maria Kosareva, the ideological inspirer and organizer of the project “Dog for Luck”, the marketing director of an automobile company and an expert of the Moscow School of Professional Philanthropy, did not stand aside.
“Following the success of the project in previous years, people are happy to agree to support animals and even initiate their own participation. I hope that the number of participants will grow every year. The purpose of our project is also to show that there is no need to be afraid of shelter dogs: each pet undergoes a serious examination, vaccination and, if necessary, treatment. In addition, many shelter dogs used to be domestic, so they are well-mannered and accustomed to life at home. I hope the culture of adopting a pet from a shelter and not from breeders will develop. There are many communities devoted to homeless animals of almost any breed on social networks,” Maria says.
No need to tell more. We will repeat the words of Maria Kosareva: do not be afraid to take dogs from a shelter. Maybe that's where your #DogForLuck is waiting for you?