(function($) { $.extend(Mo.translations, { btns: { accept: 'Accept', cancel: 'Cancel', check: 'Check', confirm: 'Confirm', continue: 'Continue', create: 'Create', decline: 'Decline', documentUpload: 'Upload document', later: 'Later', logIn: 'Log in', moCardActivation: 'Activation of Mo.Card', pay: 'Pay', remove: 'Delete', save: 'Save', submit: 'Send', upload: 'Upload', registration: 'Registration', yes: 'Yes', }, common: { breed: 'Breed', city: 'City', cls: 'Class', club: 'Club', country: 'Country', date: 'Date', description: 'Description', dog: 'Dog', female: 'Female', fullName: 'Full name', group: 'Group', kennel: 'Kennel', male: 'Male', name1: 'Name', name2: 'Name', nikname: 'Name', pedigree: 'Pedigree', section: 'Section', sex: 'Sex', startTyping: 'Start to type for search', }, datePicker: { language: 'en', format: 'dd.mm.yy', formatLong: 'dd.mm.yyyy' }, MoUserEditForm: { selectFace: 'Choose face on the photo', }, MoTrialRequestPanel: { addADog: 'Add a dog to application', paymentDoc: 'Payment document', uploadPhoto: 'Upload photo', description: 'Note', backToShow: 'Back to the show', send: 'Send for consideration', goToShow: 'Show's page', editRequest: 'Edit application', removeRequest: 'Delete application', emptyRequests: 'Choose the dogs from your animal list.
You can add or fill out dog\'s profile in Your profile.', thanks: 'Thank you!', requestSent: 'Your application has been taken into consideration.You can follow status of application in your personal profile.', paymentDate: 'Date of payment', sum: 'Amount', paymentDetails: 'Method of payment', paymentDetailsHint: 'Example: Sberbank Online, No. of operation, No. of card, Full name', isCatalogueNeeded: 'Is printed catalogue needed', }, MoTrialRequestForm: { guide: 'Guide', selectADog: 'Choose a dog' }, MoSpecialShowCompetitionForm: { selectADog: 'Choose a dog', }, MoProgenyCompetitionForm: { creator: 'Parent', child: 'Offspring', selectADog: 'Choose a dog', }, MoKennelCompetitionForm: { selectAKennel: 'Choose a kennel', }, MoHandlerCompetitionForm: { handlerName: 'Handler's name', handlersAge: 'Handler's age', }, MoCoupleCompetitionForm: { selectADog: 'Choose a dog', }, MoSubshowRequestPanel: { addADog: 'Add a dog to application', paymentDoc: 'Payment document', paymentDocs: 'Payment documents', uploadPhoto: 'Upload photo', paymentDate: 'Date of payment', sum: 'Amount', paymentDetails: 'Method of payment', paymentDetailsHint: 'Example: Sberbank Online, No. of operation, No. of card, Full name', description: 'Note', backToShow: 'Back to the show', send: 'Send for consideration', goToShow: 'Show's page', editRequest: 'Edit application', removeRequest: 'Delete application', showClass: 'Dogshow class', breedIdentification: 'Definition of breed', thanks: 'Thank you!', requestSent: 'Your application has been taken into consideration.You can follow status of application in your personal profile.', emptyRequests: 'Choose the dogs from your animal list.
You can add or fill out dog\'s profile in Your profile.', isCatalogueNeeded: 'Is printed catalogue needed', }, MoSubshowRequestForm: { showClass: 'Dogshow class', specifyBreed: 'Specify the breed', breedIdentification: 'Definition of breed', selectDog: 'Choose a dog', selectShowClass: 'Choose a show class', }, MoSubshowCompetitionPanel: { removeRequest: 'Delete application', }, MoSubshowRequestSelectPanel: { noRequest: 'No applications', }, MoShowSelectPanel: { emptyList: 'No dog shows to show', }, MoMagazineEditForm: { selectCover: 'Choose a cover for magazine', }, MoKennelEditForm: { selectLogo: 'Choose a logotype on the photo', uploadCertificate: 'Upload certificate', }, MoDogEditForm: { selectDog: 'Select dog on the photo', kennel: 'Kennel', }, MoClubEditForm: { selectLogo: 'Choose a logotype on the photo', uploadCertificate: 'Upload certificate', }, MoAdEditForm: { dog: 'Dog', kennel: 'Kennel', }, MoAdCheckPromoCodeForm: { promoCode: 'If you have promo code with discount, please enter it here', rub: 'rub.', }, MoUserActions: { isYourProfile: 'Are you sure that this is your profile?', }, MoTrialRequestActions: { submitApplication: 'Apply', deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this application?', }, MoTicketActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this application?', application: 'Application', reason: 'Reason', declineReason: 'Reason for denial', }, MoSubshowRequestActions: { submitApplication: 'New application for dog show', pleaseLogIn: 'Please enter', authRequired: 'If you want to apply you need to sign in or to register', authRequiredNoLinks: 'If you want to apply you need to sign in or to register', deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this application?', }, MoSubshowCompetitionActions: { applicationTitle: 'Apply for competition', deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this application?', }, MoSpecialistActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you shure that you want to delete this specialist?', }, MoAdActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you shure that you want to delete this advertisement?', promoCode: 'Promo code for discount', }, MoAttachmentActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this photo?', }, MoPhotoAlbumActions: { selectShow: 'Choose show', deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this album?', }, MoBreedArticleActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this article?', }, MoClubActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this club?', myClubMsg: 'As soon as you verify your status of the club president, you will get access to management of the club page on the site and be able to organise shows by means of our system.<br><br>After you click on "Yes, I am the president of the club", inquiry for confirmation will be created and you will be contacted trough e-mail you wrote by our worker.', confirmationTitle: 'Confirmation', iam: 'Yes, I am the president of this club', }, MoShowActions: { markInList: 'Mark in show's schedule', mark: 'Delete the show', markText: '

Your show will be shown in the list with a special gold background.

Service fee 200 rub.

', sure: 'Are you sure that you are a representative of organiser-club?', showPayment: 'Payment for management section', argeementNeeded: 'You must accept the terms of service', }, MoPhotoUploadWithCrop: { minSize: 'Please choose a photo with a size no less than {{w}}х{{h}} pixels.', fileType: 'This type of file is not available.<br/>Choose an image that has format <b>jpeg</b> or <b>png</b>.', selectArea: 'Select section on the photo', }, MoPhotosUploadWindow: { dragNote: 'Drag a file here or', selectNote: 'Choose a file from computer', lintToImg: 'Link to the image', upload: 'From computer', fromUrl: 'From the link', }, MoUploadPanel: { wrongFormat: 'File <b>{0}</b> has been denied: <br/><b>Wrong format.</b><br/> For upload available <b>{1}</b>.', wrongSize: 'File <b>{0}</b> has been denied: <br/><b>Too bg.</b><br/> Maximum image size is <b>{1}MB</b>.', }, MoMessageBox: { message: 'Message', confirm: 'Confirmation', warning: 'Warning', }, MoLiveSearch: { selectItem: 'Please choose an element from the list', }, MoArticlesListLayout: { slugText: 'Slug', titleRuText: 'Title Ru', titleEnText: 'Title En', stateText: 'State', draftText: 'draft', emptyArticlesText: 'No article', emptyCategoriesText: 'No category' }, MoArticleActions: { deleteText: 'Do you really want to delete this article?' }, MoArticleCategoryActions: { titleNewText: 'New category', titleEditText: 'Edit category', deleteText: 'Do you really want to delete the category?' }, MoArticleCategoryEditForm: { nameText: 'Name' }, MoBreedArticleEditForm: { chooseDogText: 'Select dog on the photo' }, MoClubTicketsLayout: { emptyText: 'No available application to show', type: 'Type of application', state: 'State', owner: 'Sender', time: 'Time', }, MoDogActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this pet?', galleryText: 'Photo gallery', verifyTitle: 'Request for pet confirmation', verifyText: 'Request for pet confirmation will be created automatically as soon as copy of pedigree/metric is downloaded in dog's profile', rankingTitleText: 'Ranking titles', obtainInfo: 'Please attach scanned copy/photo of pedigree.<br> Application will be examined by club administration.<br> You can track your application status in your profile.', scan: 'Scanned copy/photo of pedigree', hint: 'Images in *.jpg или *.png format', obtainTitle: 'Application for pet transfer', photoUpload: 'Uploading of photos', }, MoKennelActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you shure that you want to delete this kennelt?', sure: 'Are you sure that this is your kennel?', }, MoMagazineActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this edition?', }, MoNewsActions: { deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this edition?', }, MoDogTitlesList: { dateText: 'Date', titleText: 'Title', showNameText: 'Show', pointsText: 'Points' }, MoDogTitlesWindow: { titlesText: 'Titles' }, MoDogTransferTicketActions: { transferTitleText: 'Choose a recipient', }, MoDogTransferTicketsList: { numberText: 'Number', dateText: 'Date', statusText: 'Status', recipientText: 'Recipient', senderText: 'Sender', userNameText: 'User', dogText: 'Pet', acceptText: 'Accept', declineText: 'Decline', removeText: 'Delete', editText: 'Edit', transferTitleText: 'Accept application?', transferAcceptText: 'Accept application? Application acceptance will mean that pet's profile will be attached to your user profile', transferDeclineText: 'Decline the application? Pet's profile will not be attached to your user profile', successMessageTitle: 'Application for transfer has been created', successMessageText: 'Request for transfer confirmation has been sent to the user. You can cancel this request in the section', petTransfering: 'Pet transfer' }, MoDogRankTitlesPanel: { overallRatingText: 'International rating', year: 'Year', showTitle: 'Title', points: 'Points', country: 'Country' }, MoFieldTitles: { breedText: 'Breed', genderText: 'Sex', pedigreeText: 'Pedigree', nameText: 'Name', nicknameText: 'Name', pointsText: 'Points', ratingText: 'Rating' }, MoLayout: { emptyListText: 'List is empty', startTypingText: 'Start to type for search', selectLogoText: 'Choose a logotype on the photo', deleteArticleConfirm: 'Do you really want to delete this article?', deleteRequstConfirm: 'Do you really want to delete this application?', rublesShortText: 'rub.' }, MoNewsListLayout: { readMoreText: 'Read more', expandText: 'Open', rollText: 'Hide', editText: 'Edit', deleteText: 'Delete', noNewsText: 'No news to show', newsCategoryText: 'Portal news', shareFbText: 'Share on Facebook', shareVkText: 'Share on Vkontakte', shareOkText: 'Share on Odnoklassniki' }, MoPhotosPanel: { dragNoteText: 'Drag a file here or', selectNoteText: 'Choose a file from computer', emptyText: 'No photo to show', hidePanelText: 'Hide the panel', uploadProtocolCopyText: 'Upload a copy of protocol', removeText: 'Delete photo', showBtnText: 'Upload photos', hideBtnText: 'Hide the panel' }, MoPhotoSubalbumActions: { newAlbum: 'Main album', renameAlbum: 'Rename the album', deleteConfirmMsg: 'Are you sure that you want to delete this album?', formLabel: 'Enter a name for album' }, MoPhotoSubalbumsEditLayout: { createSubalbum: 'Make one more album', raise: 'Lift up', edit: 'Edit', remove: 'Delete' }, MoResponsivePhotosPanel: { showMoreText: 'Show more', photoAltText: 'Samples of photos for the album', noPhotosDefaultText: 'No photo to show' }, MoSelectField: { chooseText: 'Select', removeText: 'Delete' }, MoShowClassSelectPanel: { emptyListText: 'There is no available show class for this age' }, MoWinTitles: { dogsText: 'Dogs', usersText: 'Users', clubsText: 'Clubs', catteriesText: 'Kennels', showClassText: 'Classes', breedsText: 'Breeds', breedGroupsText: 'FCI Groups' }, moComments : { msg_delete_confirmation : 'Are you shure that you want to delete this comment?', hide_form : 'hide the form', reply : 'answer' }, moForms : { writeComment : 'Write a comment...' }, MoKassaMail: { info: 'Please specify an email on which electronic check will be sent', errorMsg: 'Enter your valid email address' } }) })(jQuery);